Fund Performance
MCG Excellence Fund has characteristics of both stability and high growth. The benchmark for performance comparison is the SSE Composite Index, and the fund has historically exceeded the SSE Composite Index's return by 50% over the same period.
MCG Excellence Fund has been operating for more than two years. Its AUM has increased by 15 times and has been widely recognized.
The management fee of MCG Excellent Fund is merely 1%, which is only half of the commonly charged 2% management fee of most of the other private equity fund.
MCG Excellence Fund has paid dividends three times since its establishment more than two years ago, and the cumulative dividend rate has exceeded 40%. In August 2020, we completed the "Fighting COVID-19" special dividend.
MCG Excellence Fund generally pays dividends at least once every twelve months.
The fund manager also participates in the fund itself to align interest with investors, and the proportion of fund managers in MCG Excellence Fund remains over 50%.